Have I Got A Story For You!
When trying to decide on a name for this video series, Mrs. Beth
struggled to capture all that this video series was and could be in one name. As she reflected on her art history teaching career, one of her favorite things was to build a story up and then tell the children they would have to come back the next week to hear how it would end. The children would beg her tell them, but she wouldn’t give the rest of the story away. She would always say…”Have I got a story for you!” The student’s were anxious each week to hear the rest of the story. Mrs. Beth took the acronym of that phrase and used it as the name of the series. “Have I got a story for you” became H.I.G.A.S.F.Y. Her sidekick, a little animated drop of paint, was named Gasfy,
and each episode you can hear her say,
“Hi Gasfy”.